How to make the most out of company messaging platforms

Slack and Microsoft Teams are not just apps; they are the conduits of our professional interactions.

4 min readDec 29, 2023
Bing Image Creator with Dall·E 3

I have often found myself juggling the virtual strings of collaboration with my diverse team: some working from office in the center of the city, some working at home seven kilometers away and some working on the other side of the planet Earth.

A seemingly innocent “Hi” transformed into a waiting game, and the digital workspace became a labyrinth of unread notifications. As I waded through this sea of messages and meetings, I discovered the unwritten rules that govern the effective use of company messaging platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

This journey taught me that these tools are not just apps; they are the conduits of our professional interactions. Let’s unravel the etiquette that transform these platforms from mere communication tools into dynamic hubs of collaboration.

The Silent ‘Hi’ Syndrome

One common pitfall I’ve observed is the “Hi and wait” strategy. Many individuals initiate a conversation with a simple “Hi” and expect a response, leaving the other person in a limbo of uncertainty. To maximize the effectiveness of these platforms, it’s crucial to provide context in your initial message. Instead of a generic greeting, share the purpose of your message or a brief overview of the topic. This not only expedites communication but also sets the tone for a focused and meaningful exchange.

Rather than a solitary “Hi,” imagine this: “Hi [Name]! Quick question about the project deadline. Do you have a moment?” This concise yet informative greeting sets the stage for a focused interaction, saving time and eliminating ambiguity.

The Power of Calling

Text-based communication is the backbone of these platforms, but don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed call. If a discussion seems to be dragging on or if emotions are getting lost in translation, switch to a call. It fosters a more personal connection and eliminates the risk of misunderstandings that can arise from written messages.

When a written conversation veers into confusion or seems to be losing its essence, don’t hesitate to hit the call button. Recently, a detailed project discussion was getting lost in the chat abyss. A spontaneous Slack Huddle not only clarified the points but also added a personal touch, fostering a deeper understanding among team members.

Proactive Communication

In a virtual environment, proactive communication is the key to successful collaboration. Regularly update your status to reflect your availability, and don’t shy away from using channels or direct messages appropriately. Leverage the ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature when you need uninterrupted focus, and encourage your team to do the same to foster a culture of respect for individual productivity.

Being proactive is a two-way street. Share your status regularly and encourage your team to do the same. An example from my experience: “Just updated my status to ‘Do Not Disturb’ for the next hour for focused work. Feel free to shoot me a message, and I’ll get back to you afterward.”

Making the Most of Slack Channels

Organizing conversations into channels is one of the hallmarks of these platforms. However, the sheer number of channels can be overwhelming. As a remedy, regularly review and clean up inactive channels to keep things streamlined. Establish guidelines for naming conventions and encourage team members to adhere to them for clarity.

Channel organization is an art. Clear naming conventions are its brushstrokes. We have a company guideline on naming Slack channels and it has been nothing less than a blessing. Our internal channels are very well marked with the name of the project and purpose of the channel. For example: “ProjectX_Design,” “ProjectX_Development,” and so forth. It not only streamlines conversations but also makes finding information a breeze.

Taming Notifications for Sanity

Notifications can either be your greatest ally or your most formidable foe. Take control of your notifications by customizing them according to the urgency of the channels. This prevents unnecessary interruptions and allows you to stay focused during deep work sessions.

Notifications can be overwhelming, but they need not be. Tailor them to your needs. I implemented this recently by customizing channel notifications based on urgency. The result? A more focused and less distracting workday.

Maximizing Productivity in a Hybrid Environment

As a member of a hybrid team, I’ve discovered several strategies to boost productivity using Slack:

Daily Standups

Initiate a daily standup channel where team members can briefly share their priorities for the day. It promotes transparency and helps in aligning collective efforts.

Document Collaboration

Utilize document-sharing features within the platforms to work collaboratively on projects. It reduces the need for lengthy email chains and centralizes information.

Scheduled Updates

Schedule regular update meetings to discuss progress and roadblocks. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and provides a platform for open communication.

Virtual Watercooler

Establish a casual, non-work-related channel to mimic the watercooler conversations of a physical office. It fosters a sense of camaraderie and helps build strong team bonds.

In our hybrid team, we kick-start each day with a standup channel. A snippet from yesterday: “Hey team, quick standup: I’m focusing on finalizing the module scope document today. Any blockers or collaboration needed?” This daily ritual sets the tone, aligns priorities, and fosters a culture of open communication.

The success of virtual communication platforms lies not only in their technical capabilities but in the mindful and considerate use by the individuals within the organization. By adopting these etiquette and strategies, we can harness the full potential of Slack and Microsoft Teams to propel our hybrid teams to greater heights of collaboration and productivity.

